Girlfriends little brother gay sex stories

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But then he sat down at my desk & we talked for a little bit, about the usual stuff. But maybe like 10 minutes later, he came in, asked me again if I was gay & I said yeah, I am (I was SOOOO uncomfortable when I said it) & all he said was oh. I was breathing a little hard there & I didn’t want to be there anymore so I just got up & went to my room to be there for a little bit. I remember looking right at the tv & feeling really numb, but I didn’t answer him. It was really awkward at that point & I just KNEW that it was going to lead somewhere Me: i dont like kevin like that (i must have said it too seriously) kevin was, and still is, my best friend). Him: fine, then go with kevin for all i care (he laughed when he said it. Him: why not? you’re, ya know…handsome (i remember being flattered by that) haha. Him: you don’t know who you’re taking? or you’re not going? We were watching tv one night in the living room & during a commercial, he asked me if I knew who I was taking to my upcoming school dance. I like sports, so I’m not very “girly.” But anyway, my brother was the first person I ever told. Starting with him & ever since, nobody has ever guessed me to be gay I guess. When I was 15, I came out to my older brother (who was 18 at the time).

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